Pioneering Patient Centric Care through Advanced Modelling and Linguistics At Talking Medicines, we are the world’s gold standard provider of patient intelligence for medications with a vision to...
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Talking Medicines Blogs
Dr. Elizabeth Fairley of Talking Medicines is named in the prestigious PM360 2023 Elite 100 Award
We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Elizabeth Fairley, Co-founder and Chief Operating and Data Officer of Talking Medicines, has been recognised in the prestigious 2023 PM360 Elite 100 Award for...
World’s First Patient Voice GPT Provides Curated Insights in Seconds
New Jersey (Thursday 11th May 2023): Healthcare marketers can now access vital insights about patients and Healthcare Professionals (“HCPs”) within seconds through the world’s first curated Patient...
CO2 – Doing the Right Thing, in the Right Way
As a scaling data tech company, Talking Medicines are keen to ensure that we continue to grow, evolve, and adapt to the challenges and opportunities presented by the Climate Challenge. We believe...
Large Language Models: are they really sentient and don’t we have better uses for them?
So what’s all the fuss lately about having achieved sentient AI? Could that be true, given that the latest *extremely* large language models, have tens and even hundreds of billions of...
Exploring the Impact of Big Data in Medicine
Patient-Centric Insights: Big Data and Medicines Welcome to our blog where we delve into the profound impact of big data on the healthcare landscape. In this article, we explore how big data...
Navigating Post-Pandemic Wellness in the Tech Industry: An Interview with Our Partner Trickle
The pandemic has made it clear that employee well-being and engagement are crucial for a healthy and productive workplace. Our partners at Trickle have been at the forefront of...
Why ESG is not just for Big Business
ESG, or Environmental, Social and Governance can often be seen as the soft underbelly of business. A series of aspirational, yet vague goals which may appear to have little or no direct...
New generation social listening is part of the technology lift to drive business ROI
Enterprise investment in technology is aligned to increasing efficiency and decreasing costs. In a tough economy ROI is even more scrutinised. Is social listening a nice to have or must have? Is it...
Recognising Social Change in Healthcare Data
When it comes to ensuring that patients have a satisfactory healthcare journey, the availability and effective use of data is critical. Of course, with the continued proliferation of data, from...
Women in Data
The pharmaceutical industry has come a long way in a short period of time. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated digital transformation plans and emerging technologies are finally being embraced for...
Women’s health issues, from the menopause to periods, have traditionally been under-represented in public health discourse and frequently are lacking media and marketing profile. However, in recent...