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HealTAC 2022: Data for Good, State-of-the-Art and Key Takeaways for Healthcare Text Analytics
All of the advances in Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools are meaningless, unless these tools are put to good use. Healthcare Text Analytics Conference’s (HealTAC)...
Talking Medicines appoint Chief Customer Officer to drive US growth
Talking Medicines, the world’s first Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven patient intelligence company designed to meet the needs of pharma-marketers, has appointed industry sales and marketing...
Embracing young talent and why culture counts
Today (July 15th) is World Youth Skills Day 2022! This day was founded by the United Nations and is regarded as a day to “celebrate the strategic importance of equipping young people with skills for...
AI in Life Sciences USA 2022
Global Business Report (GBR) have recently published "United States Life Sciences 2022" Report. It was published in partnership with BioNJ, Biocom California and CPHI. Jo Halliday ,CEO was asked to...
Last week (9-15 May) was Mental Health Awareness Week, and was founded 21 years ago by The Mental Health Foundation. The theme for this year is ‘loneliness’. The Mental Health Foundation says: “One...
The transition to digitalisation
The world is changing. As a result of digitalisation, technology now plays an indispensable role in society, the economy and working world. Let’s put this into perspective…there are over 6 billion...
Earth Day 2o22 – Towards NET Zero
April 22nd marked the 52nd anniversary of ‘Earth Day’, founded in 1970 by US Senator for Wisconsin Gaylord Nelson, upon witnessing the devastating effects of a 1969 tanker oil spill in Santa...
Marketing to patients in uncertain times
The post-Covid world is unpredictable; there is little that hasn't been touched by the pandemic. Whilst the "new normal" has many remnants of our old lives, there is a sense of unpredictability and...
Fierce Pharma: What do patients really think about their meds? A new AI bot can tell you
Since everyone seems to be living their lives online these days, it makes sense this is where to find out what patients are really saying about their medicines. Now, U.K.- and New Jersey-based...
£1.5M funding round fuels US growth for Talking Medicines
Talking Medicines, the world’s first Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven patient intelligence company designed to meet the needs of Pharma, has closed a £1.5 million funding round to support its...
Why Emotional Intelligence is the Secret Sauce of Outstanding Experiences
What would you say if I told you that customer experience is not what you think it is? Customer Experience is about chemicals, a chimp and the power of memories! Hear me out on this….. and let’s...
Health Data: A critical element to help the SDG’s
Big Data The volume of data in the world is increasing dramatically. According to United Nations, 64.2 zettabytes of data were created, that is a 314 percent increase from 2015. An increased demand...