Unlock Powerful Outcomes with Drug-GPT
Be Smarter, Faster…
Unlock Conversational Data
Bring your own data or work with our partners
Data curated through our proprietary AI models, pre-trained for healthcare voices
Ask natural language questions to get smart fast
Customize to your own interface
See Talking Medicines Drug-GPT In Action
Drive productivity by unlocking your Conversational Data with Drug-GPT
Key Use Cases
Message Analyzer
Use of advanced multi-level sentiment and topic models to quickly identify trends and patterns at medical conferences, and compare these to external conversations through data visualizations, text summaries and natural language answers.
Audience Analyzer
Use of advanced multi-level sentiment and topic models to understand a 360॰ view on defined subpopulations. Used to gain an overview of an audience through data visualizations, text summaries and natural language answers.