Our Patient Charter:
Putting the patient first

At Talking Medicines, we believe the single most important thing is to put the patient at the centre with data-driven decisions.

The Talking Medicines Patient Charter, will follow the principles of ESG in being measurable across six key areas, which will be tested and regularly monitored by appropriate internal and external stakeholders, ensuring continuous improvement against these key principles.


First and foremost, integrity is key

Our AI-driven PatientMetRx® platform is key in our drive to create better patient outcomes.

Actively listening to the Patient Voice will help us put the experience of patients front and centre in the data we give to our customers.

We have a commitment to transparency as a key company value.

Robust privacy and compliance frameworks are in place and we strive to continuously improve these.



PatientMetRx® is key to helping us promote better decisions for patients, Pharma companies, payers, insurers and healthcare systems.

We will respect and adhere to appropriate regulatory requirements surrounding the data that we process, the patients whose data we rely upon, and any emerging legislation around the deployment and use-practice of AI.

We endeavour to ensure that PatientMetRx® is not used where such usage may cause harm. 


Total transparency in everything we do

All our data sources are people, and must always be treated as people, not a collection of noughts and ones. We strive to be clear about the stages of our process from data sourcing and processing to final outputs.

Where appropriate, we publish clear and concise information regarding our processes, making these readily available to medical professionals, patients, users and regulators.



We employ gold-standards in the ongoing development of PatientMetRx®.
Everyone that works on our products is trained and supported.

We offer comprehensive support and training to every user of our products.

We consult with patients and clinicians during the development and deployment of PatientMetRx®.

We will maintain high quality standards of human supervision and verification of PatientMetRx® data outputs.


Driven by diversity and inclusion

We strive to listen to, source and incorporate a diverse range of voices to be as inclusive as possible.

We will use external advisors and voices to ensure our commitment to inclusivity is genuine.

PatientMetRx® will not disadvantage or dis-enfranchise any group.

PatientMetRx® seeks to amplify the voices of those who have not been heard.

All processes will be constantly reviewed to remove unconscious bias or prejudice.

We will use PatientMetRx® to reduce disparities in power that may occur about the medicines offered and treatment pathways provided to patients. 


Sustainability is the only future we have

Using PatientMetRx® will help to remove much of the Pharma industry’s wastage — meaning less resources are directed to medicine production that will never reach intended patients.

We aim to act both locally and globally in our drive to reduce our impact in everything we do. We will work with local initiatives to create a community that wants to improve the environment we all live and work in.

We always know that the world is relying on all of us to not continuously treat everything as an inexhaustible resource.